Personal Development
Because of an addiction background and underlying social phobia, Mohani has an unprecedented dedication to her personal development. She was able to heal and overcome addictions through clinical admission and therapy like:
- 2004 - 2015 Group training in bioenergetics, emotional bodywork and meditation at Venwoude.
- 2014 - 2016 2 year training 'Intimiteit en Levenslust'.
- 2018 - 2023 4 year Therapist Training at Osho Humaniversity, school for masters in Egmond aan Zee and 1 year Intensive.
Building websites L.O.L Likes to cook, garden and fiddling around.
Her all time favorite motorbike: Honda GB 500TT 1989. GB Great Britain. TT Tourist Trophy. She bought this beauty in the summer of 1999.
Her first yoga practice was Raya yoga in 2003. In between she moved from yoga to emotional bodywork. An introduction to Kundalini Yoga in India 2010 during a Deepening course at the Oneness University opened her heart for this ancient yoga practise.
Jeannette (Johanna Henriëtte) Kommer was born on the 22nd of December 1962 in Penrith, Australia.
Her sannyasin name is Mohani.
At the age of 10 she moved with her family to Holland. For a long time she felt alienated, not knowing who she was or where she belonged. This feeling was a mixture between homesickness and a strange, nostalgic feeling that she could not place.
Education and Stipendium
- 2001 Startstipendium Fund Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, Amsterdam.
- 1993-1998 Graduation Artacademy Minerva, Groningen.
- 1982-1984 Studied at CABK Artacademy Constantijn Huygens, Kampen.
- 1980-1982 Studied at CNS Christian National Painterschool, Zwolle.
Expertise in Art
- Since 1998 professional artist.
This includes: participation in exhibitions and art fairs, promoting, presentation, managing photo's, doing marketing and acquisition. Of course she makes her own art. This is done by hand. There is no computer work involved, except in photo's.
Workshops Patterns on Wood
- 2015 - 2018 Workshops 'Painting on Wood', Artstudio in Rotterdam.
Painting course
- 2010 - 2015 Painting courses, Artstudio in Rotterdam.
- Summer 2017 - 2018 A 5-day painting course, Ecolonie in France in the Lower Vogezen.
Organizing Exhibitions
- 2016 - 2018 She took on organizing exhibitions for regional artists at Stichting Connekt, Delft.
Jeannette (Mohani) was born on December 22nd, 1962 in Penrith, Australia.
Some of Australia's elements are consciously and unconsciously interwoven in her oeuvre in which she tries to depict a great desire and sometimes nostalgia. Perhaps not so much homesickness for Australia, but, rather for a world that she knows exists.
Art Academy
"My fascination for repetition of (geometric) patterns developped at the beginning of the Art Academy Minerva in Groningen.
Gradually my work became more organic and less rigid. The paintings became playful and transparant. However, 'Order&Chaos' will keep on interfering with the painting process."